Standard Deviation

My goals for yesterday were:

1. Draw for 30 minutes 
2. Retake photos of: the elephant, polar bear, green valentine dinos, otters
3. post all of the above on my Etsy
4. make two new original creatures.

Being a total boss and ultra productive member of society. I can go ahead and cross off 75% of my to-do list before 1 p.m. Here are the results of today's drawing sesh:

As you can probably see, I decided to deviate from the Pikaland what to draw list and do some visual thinking. I want to do more mixed media projects. I'm thinking about utilizing felt for capes and crowns specifically.

As for the 25% of my to do list that I haven't conquered, I'm steadily chipping away. This is the first of my original creatures. I have to do a second one and I haven't thought too much about it yet which means you should tune in tomorrow. Same bat time. Same bat channel.


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