Sore legs and marketing experiments

I started my dog walking job this week and I have to say, I really really like it. Yesterday, I walked about 15 miles (including my walks with Kapu) and boy I was beat. My legs are a little sore today, but it feels good to get paid to exercise and hang out with pooches all day. I haven't been too crafty as I've been pretty fucking tired this week. But I did post two friends today on my Etsy:


All this Valentine's Day crafting has put the holiday on my radar more than it typically would be. I think that it's been a good thing so far as I'm seeing Valentine's Day as a marketing occasion not an excuse to spend a day in February eating and boozing. (Well okay I probably will spend February 14 snacking on ice cream and sipping wine from the bottle, but only because that's how I spend most my evenings, not because I'm single and probably will be for a long ass time and it's likely that I will go to my grave alone and if I'm really lucky I'll be such a bad hoarder that TLC will call me to schedule taping.) So clearly Valentine's Day is no big deal. 

On an unrelated note, I purchased a showcase on Etsy and got the first sale in my new shop. Which is encouraging as it was exactly one week after I opened my shop and I read somewhere that the average amount of time it takes for a shops first item to sell is 23 days. I'll go ahead and give myself a gold star on that one. 

My final order of business is that I am going to make 12 V-day dinos each a different color and post them every hour for 12 hours as an experiment. I'll post findings shortly.


  1. p00

    give us a sneak peek at the spirit animalzzz!!! so exciting!!
