So here it is

Unemployment is taking its toll on me. I think I go a little more crazy every time I look at Craigslist. When I'm not looking for jobs (which is for most of the day), I've been pretty aggressive with researching how to be a successful Etsy seller. I've read through all 40-some pages of the Seller's Handbook and here is what I learned:

1. Get business cards
2. Treat your store like a brick and mortar store aesthetic-wise (special attention to your banner and avatar)
3. Be goal oriented
4. Take awesome photos and crop them to be square
5. Use google analytics
6. Join Etsy and other blog communities with thoughtful posts in the comments
7. Post items every day
8. Find your niche and craft like nobody's looking.

So while I was looking into all this information, I sold one of my dinosaurs and got an interview for a dog walking position. It's like the cosmos are high fiving me. I feel very encouraged and eager to really give my Etsy my all.

I started a new shop called creaturecreatures because I think its a better indicator of what I'm selling as compared to animalweek. I also started this nifty ass blog and I have a to-do list of things to do based on priority.

High priority:
1. Make a banner that celebrates my little creatures
2. Make an avatar of me with my creatures OR see how my existing logo works
3. Write a thoughtful profile
4. Make more creatures!

Low priority:
1. Business cards
2. Google Analytics


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